Tuesday 11 September 2012

Westlake, TX

Dear Associate,

Hope you are doing good. This is Geetha, Working as a SR IT Recruiter with Lightningminds. We have an urgrent requirement ,


Please find below requirement and send me your consultant resumes . For further details please contact me at  90855242171 .


Please send me the resumes to   Geetha.M@lightningminds.com  

To submit Java Profile need to send the along with answers for the questionare requested by client.

Core Java Questions:


1. What are the differences between method overloading and method overriding?

2. Difference between ArrayList and Vector ?

3. What happens if the ArrayList is updated while iterating thru an Array List.

4. Difference between HashMap and Hashtable ?

5. What is immutable object? Can you write immutable object?

6. Which two method you need to implement for key in hashMap?

7. Explain how a HashMap works internally

8. What is Auto Boxing

8. What are annotations.  Give examples of where/how you have used them.


Spring Questions:

  1. What is Application Context?
  2. Name the different types
  3. What is AutoWiring
  4. What are Bean scopes in Spring Framework ?
  5. What is AOP?
  6. What do you mean by Aspect / JointPoint/ Advice?
  7. What are the types of Advice?
  8. What is the difference between Spring AOP vs. Aspect J


Spring MVC Questions:


  1. Walk me thru how you will setup a simple Spring MVC based web app. The web app has a form for adding a new Contact. On submit the new contact will be displayed in a "View Contact" list.
    1. What needs to be setup in web.xml and other config files
    2. Draw a simple class diagram (on white board) describing
    3. Draw a simple sequence diagram for "Add Contact" use case


Dojo Questions:


  1. Explain how you will implement a scenario where a selection in one drop down box changes the values in another. E.g. In country is selected, list of states changes. Data is stored in back end.



Other Questions:


1. How do you set up a JNDI data source in Tomcat?

2. How do you transform a XML to an java object and vice versa?

3. How do you configure Log4j to turn on/off logging for a specific class?

4. How do you configure Log4j to log to a file?


Hands on exercise:


1. Write a simple java program that reverses the characters in a string and returns the reversed value.


Thank you,


Geetha Malempati

Lightning Minds Inc.

1135 Kildare Farm Rd, Suite 300

Cary, NC 27511.

Tel           :    9085524217 /    919.655.5412

Email     :    Geetha.M@lightningminds.com

Web         :    www.lightningminds.com



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