Friday, 9 March 2012

Very-Very urgent requirement of Java with .net Developer--------------------------Boston, MA


          We have the following position open with our client. Please let me know if you have any resources who might be interested in applying for this job and send me their resumes with contact             information, rate, and availability. You can call me on 408-318-6719  .----------Please send resume at:------- .

Add my YIM:--   rajbir.singh38330


Job Title

Java with .net Developer

Job Location

Boston, MA




Exp:5-7 yrs

Location: Boston USA

Java – Critical, more important than .NET but both required

.NET – Critical

MQ - Medium

SQL Server - Medium

SWIFT – Nice to have


Thanks and Regards

Rajbir Singh

2 N. Market St | Suite # 400 | San Jose | CA 95113

YIM:--- rajbir.singh38330

Phone: 408-318-6719

An cid:image001.jpg@01CBEB66.60AE0540

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